
FSSAI Compliance


Gain an In-depth understanding on FSSAI compliance


Avail clarity on objectives of FSSAI compliance and rules for FBOs

  • Clear introduction to FSSAI compliance
  • Insights on enforcement of the food safety and standard act of 2006
  • Role of FSSAI in enforcement and third party audit for FSMS compliance
  • Read the consequences of non compliance
  • Details about FSSAI offences and corresponding penalties
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    Overview of FSSAI Compliance

    1. The food safety and standard authority of India mandates that all Food Business Operators (FBO’s) adhere to FSSAI compliance rules to ensure food safety and quality. The FSSAI compliance rules cover essential criteria such as cleanliness of the premises, pest control measures, personal hygiene of food handlers, criteria for storage facilities, and labelling of food products. A detailed FSSAI compliance checklist is provided on the FoSCos website for different food products. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in severe penalties, including financial suspensions or cancellations of the food license. The penalties for non-compliance with the FSSAI license vary based on the nature and severity of the violation. Know everything about FSSAI Compliance Under FoSCos, legal frameworks and regulations, enforcement of the same.

    Introduction to FSSAI Compliance

    1. FSSAI compliance is crucial for all food business owners across India. The Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) has established a detailed set of rules and regulations that are set by the government to maintain high food standards across India. The set of compliances is implemented in Central, State and Union territories in multiple stages. Any individual or organisation dealing with food products, manufacturing, distribution, preparation, reselling, or relabeling must follow the rules and regulations outlined by the Food Safety Compliance System for issuing FSSAI license and make sure that the food business in India are upto the mark.

    Objectives of FSSAI Compliance

    The main objective of FSSAI compliance is to make sure that food safety and standards are always up to par. Ensuring the implementation of food safety and standards regulations regarding food product standards, food additives, packaging, labelling, health supplements, nutraceuticals, foods for special dietary uses, foods for special medical purposes, functional foods, and noble foods are some of the top priorities for food safety compliance. It is also crucial to make sure that the food safety standards for organic foods are also met. Here is a general outline of the objectives of FSSAI compliance:

    • Safety Compliance: FSSAI provides clear safety guidelines, ensuring that the food products meet the required standards for contaminants, additives, and residues. To keep up with the most recent findings in science and international best practices, these criteria are revised on a regular basis.
    • Inspection Support: FSSAI conducts routine inspections of establishments to verify that FBO’s are adhering to safety standards. This helps us maintain compliance and ensures the safety of our products.
    • Recall Assistance: In case of identifying any unsafe products, FSSAI's recall procedures provide us with a structured framework for recalling them from circulation, protecting both consumers and our reputation.
    • Quality Assurance: FSSAI's quality criteria help us maintain consistency in the taste, texture, appearance, and nutritional value of our food products, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
    • Labelling Compliance: FSSAI's guidelines on accurate and informative labelling assist FBO’s in ensuring that the products' labels are transparent and compliant, building trust with consumers and avoiding any legal issues.
    • Fraud Prevention: By implementing measures to prevent food adulteration and fraud, FSSAI helps us maintain the integrity of our products and safeguard our brand reputation in the market.

    Enforcement of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

    While Food standards establish the benchmarks to be met, it's crucial to have robust institutional frameworks and systems in place to ensure FSSAI compliance and regulations are met. FSSAI implements a comprehensive compliance system that includes surveillance and inspections for food products, both imported and domestic.
    The States and UTs bear the major responsibility for guaranteeing compliance. They have designated officials, commissioners of food safety, notified adjudicating officers, and food safety officers to perform various functions required by the Act.

    Along with Designated Officers for Airports and Ports, additional Food Safety Commissioners are appointed for Railways, Airports, and Ports. Appellate Tribunals have been established in 25 States/UTs to enforce the standards outlined by the Act.

    The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 mandates that all food enterprises in India, regardless of where they are in the food value chain, obtain a license or register. The Food License and Registration System (FLRS) has been designed by FSSAI, and all States and Union Territories (UTs) except Nagaland are able to issue food licenses and registrations online.

    A massive IT infrastructure known as FoSCoRIS for Food Safety Compliance is started for conducting Regular Inspections and Sampling. To guarantee uniformity across the country, inspections will make use of standard compliance matrices.

    FoSCoRIS is a web-based real-time inspection platform for Food Safety Officers (FSOs), accessible via handheld devices such as mobile phones and tablets. It employs instant geo-tagging, time stamping, real-time data collection, and multi-level verification. The system integrates all key stakeholders - food businesses, FSOs, designated officers (DOs), and state food safety commissioners (FSCs) - to maintain integrity and effectively monitor inspections and sampling at various levels.

    The Food Safety and Standards Act of 2006, as well as any associated rules and regulations, provide direction for Food Safety Officers (FSOs) through the ‘Manual for Food Safety Officers,’ which outlines their roles and responsibilities in maintaining regulatory compliance. In order to accomplish goals and policies, it encompasses regulatory laws, inspection techniques, sampling protocols, and current instruments and mechanisms.

    Legal Framework and Regulations

    The Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2011, complement the FSS Act, outlining the qualifications and responsibilities of key personnel such as the Commissioner of Food Safety, designated officers, food safety officers, and food analysts. They detail procedures for documentation, food article seizure by food safety officers, and sampling and analysis of food articles. Additionally, they establish the process for adjudication and appeals to the appellate tribunal established under the Act. Various regulations address different aspects of FBOs and the food industry. Some notable regulations include:

    • Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011
    • Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011
    • Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction of Sales) Regulation, 2011
    • Food Safety and Standards (Laboratory and Sampling Analysis) Regulation, 2011
    • Food Safety and Standards (Health Supplements, Nutraceuticals, Food for Special Dietary Use, Food for Special Medical Purpose, Functional Food and Novel Food) Regulations, 2016
    • Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulation, 2017
    • Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Regulation, 2018
    • Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020.

    Role of FSSAI in Enforcement

    • Gather data on food product contaminants
    • Identify emerging risks in the food market
    • Implement a rapid alert system for the food industry
    • Establish rules and regulations to ensure food safety for consumers
    • Develop food safety standards and guidelines for businesses to uphold
    • Issue licenses and registrations to food business owners
    • Provide the government with suggestions when formulating food-related policies
    • Advocate for safe food practices
    • Promote overall food safety
    • Regulate food adulteration
    • Enhance food market hygiene and eliminate adulteration
    • Enforce quality control measures for food products.

    Third-Party Audits for FSMS Compliance

    To enhance the food safety surveillance system, FSSAI conducts audits of Food Business Operators with the assistance of Private Auditing Agencies. This initiative aims to promote a culture of compliance, with FSSAI facilitating compliance through recognised private Auditing Agencies. The Food Safety and Standards (Food Safety Auditing) Regulations, 2018 were notified on 28 August 2018, to support this effort.

    By putting food safety audits into practice, fewer regulatory food safety inspections by state or federal licensing authorities will be required. Satisfactory audit outcomes will result in less frequent regulatory inspections by these authorities, with the exception of regulatory sampling. In the end, this strategy will ensure consumer food safety by fortifying the food safety surveillance system and promoting self-compliance.

    Comprehensive FSSAI Compliance Rules for FBOs

    The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) regulates the food industry with a set of comprehensive regulations aimed at ensuring the quality and safety of food items. These laws cover a number of topics, such as the need for Food Business Operators (FBOs) to comply with new standards, the conversion of registrations and licenses from previous Acts and decrees, oversight by licensing authorities, and the conversion of current licenses to meet with new standards. Here are few comprehensive rules for FBO’s:

    • FBOs must adhere to license conditions and safety/hygiene standards specified in Schedule 4
    • Periodic food safety audits and inspections are conducted by the Licensing Authority or authorised agencies
    • FBOs operating under previous licenses must convert to licenses under the new
    • No additional fee is required for the remaining validity period of the previous license
    • Non-compliance will result in penalties under section 55 of the Act
    • FBOs with registrations/licenses from other Acts/orders must apply for registration/license under the new regulations within a year of notification, paying the applicable fees
    • Licensing Authority may direct FBOs to comply with existing conditions or safety requirements if deemed necessary
    • Central Licensing Authority grants licenses for businesses listed in Schedule 1, with potential modifications by the Food Authority
    • State/UT Licensing Authority grants licenses for businesses not covered in Schedule 1.

    Detailed Requirements for FSSAI Compliance

    Food enterprises must set up a strong Food Safety Management System (FSMS) with Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles and relevant preparatory programs in order to guarantee food safety. This system should actively manage hazards at every stage of the food chain, from production to consumption.
    According to the licensing conditions outlined in the FSS (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations 2011, every food business operator (FBO) seeking licensing must have a documented FSMS plan and adhere to schedule 4 of this regulation.

    Provisions of FSSAI Compliance

    Ingredients and additives should adhere to FSSAI standards concerning category, quality/purity, and quantity. Food product labels must prominently display either the vegetarian or non-vegetarian logo. The product name and description must be accurately provided. The nutritional information should be correctly listed according to labelling regulations. The FSSAI Logo, along with the address and license number, must be clearly visible on the packaging. All declarations and warnings for supplements should be in bold within the logo. Additionally, the packaging should include the MRP, batch number, and manufacturing and expiration dates. Microbial parameters, heavy metals, insecticides, pesticides, naturally occurring toxins, and contaminants must all fall within specified limits.

    Consequences of Failing to Comply with FSSAI

    Food business operators or importers who fail to meet the requirements outlined in the act without valid justification may face a penalty of up to ₹2 lakh, as determined by the Food Safety Officer.

    List of Offences and Corresponding Penalties

    • Section 50 of the FSSAI Act imposes penalties up to ₹5 lakh for selling non-compliant food to the detriment of the purchaser
    • Section 51 stipulates penalties for manufacturing, storing, selling, distributing, or importing sub-standard food, with fines reaching ₹5 lakh
    • Section 52 addresses penalties for misbranded food, with fines up to ₹3 lakh. The Adjudicating Officer may order corrective actions or the destruction of offending food items
    • Section 53 deals with penalties for misleading advertisements, with fines reaching ₹10 lakh. Other sections address penalties for various offences related to food safety and compliance, including unhygienic processing, possession of adulterants, and failure to comply with FSO directives.

    FAQs for FSSAI Compliance

    What is the main objective of FSSAI compliance?


    How does FSSAI enforce compliance with the FSS Act?


    What role do third-party audits play in FSSAI compliance?


    What are the key compliance rules every FBO should be aware of?


    What are the potential consequences of non-compliance with FSSAI standards?

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